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Part 1 & Part 2: Interviews with Annie Abernethy, MK Abuse Survivor from Faith Academy - Philippines

Annie Abernethy

Updated: Oct 9, 2020

Annie Abernethy was born and raised in the Philippines where she lived with her family at a boarding school for missionary children. She returned with her parents to the US for high school, and has lived primarily in Richmond, Virginia since that time. Educated at Wheaton College, Moody Bible Institute, and Virginia Commonwealth University for undergraduate studies, Annie also holds a Master of Arts in Clinical Mental Health Counseling from Regent University. She is currently working towards a second Master of Arts in Theology and Culture through St. Stephen’s University in New Brunswick, CA. As a wife and mother for over 25 years, Annie has experienced the many joys and dramas of family life, including the challenges of caring for a special needs child. Annie works as a Licensed Resident in Counseling and a national level volleyball official through several organizations. In her free time she enjoys spending time with her husband and adult children, reading, running, and playing volleyball, all while devoted to the mission of exposing religious abuse and maintaining a vibrant relationship with God and His Church.


Recorded October 1, 2020


Recorded October 8, 2020

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Aug 25, 2023

I was a dorm student at Faith Academy from 1968-1972. I was mentally and emotionally abused, neglected. Had dorm guardian who was a peeking tom And another dorm guardian who was very sadistic and mean. I had teachers who had favoritism. if you were not favored by them, you had a rough time. It sounds simple but it is not. I still have triggers of emotional and mental abuse. I am a suicide survivor of Faith Academy. And I was actually shamed by the administration.


Melissa Beatty
Melissa Beatty
Sep 02, 2022

I would like to possible talk with you concerning what was going on at Faith in 1980-81. I turned over a sex abuser in 1980 right before Christmas break and this man still has not been acknowledged as an abuser. I told the then superintendent, Mr. Lambert. I reached out to faith a few years ago and had a positive conversation with the administration. Please reach out if I can shed some additional light to this situation and the years they have hidden the abuse.

Melissa Beatty


Aug 25, 2023
Replying to

Me Lambert was the Principal at FA when I was there. He always sided with the dorm guardian.

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